Empower your own people to facilitate Compassion Labs. Our Train the Trainer program is designed to do just that.

What is Train the Trainer?
Train the Trainer is a program where Compassion Revolution will empower a select group within your organisation to deliver Compassion Labs.
Why choose Train the Trainer?
Compassion Revolution has delivered at least three Compassion Labs within your organisation and the impact of these Labs is being clearly felt at work and in people’s lives. There is a recognition that having a team of trained people internally would continue to embed compassion and respect throughout work practices.
Who is it for?
Train the Trainer is for people with high level facilitation skills who want to develop their competence, expand their offering, and build a groundswell of compassion and respect across their organisation.
Each Train the Trainer Program is intensive with extra support, debriefing and practice opportunity built into it. This is a high level developmental opportunity for your staff.
How many people in a Program?
We take twelve people in a Train the Trainer Program.
The group will work closely together with Compassion Revolution team over 2 -3 months as they grow their familiarity with the material and plan their own Labs.
How does Compassion Revolution support the trainers?
We provide a structured program that is built to equip the team with skills, understanding and confidence to work with the material and deliver great Labs. Our first meeting will be face-to-face and then we provide on-line support and connection:
The Training consists of :
- One full day training Lab, face-to-face with our Director of Activation and Learning for Social Change. Lou will take the trainers behind the curtain of the Labs.
- Three follow-up online sessions to plan, deliver and debrief the first Lab
- Two follow-up reflective supervision sessions as the trainers establish Labs across the organisation
- Once yearly check in with a Compassion Lab Community of Practice across Australia
- Access to a secure on-line platform where members can share ideas and resources.
Your team of Trainers will connect with other Compassion Lab Facilitators across Australia and have opportunity to build new professional networks while they’re being supported to do great work.
Learning is an activity; but embedding compassion into your organisation’s culture takes practice.
How do we run the Labs in our own organisation?
The Compassion Labs can be run as a whole day program, or you can choose to run four mini-Labs instead – it’s your call. We encourage trainers to deliver Labs with at least one other trainer to share the facilitating load, and to keep learning from each other.
Support resources
Learning is an activity, but embedding compassion into an organisation’s culture takes practice. It’s important to us that the trainers are able to re-create a Compassion Lab with the same beautiful resources that we give out in our Compassion Labs.
- Printed training manual
- Slide decks of all Labs
- Sound recordings of meditations
- Printed hand outs
- Online community platform
We make available these beautiful resources either at no cost or minimal fee to support everyone on their training journey.
Keen to talk more?
We’d love to introduce ourselves and talk practicalities.
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