We dive into what it means to practice love, compassion, courage and all the hard work of showing up to shape a compassion revolution across health care.
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S3, E6
Showing Up Hard
In this podcast Mary Freer dives into the beauty and muscle of boundaries with Shannon Weber. This is a conversation for anyone who has experienced boundary crossings, violations and harm where we have needed to create boundaries. It’s also for all of us who want to be of service or grow in relationship with others.
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S3, E5
The Neuroscience of Art, Beauty and Overwhelm
Mary Freer joins Dr Sará King to talk about all things neuroscience. The conversation traces Sará’s work with MOMA to build trauma informed galleries and museums where people can enjoy art through to an enlivening conversation about what actually happens to our bodies and minds when we experience trauma and sustained stress.
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S3, E4
Co-designing a kinder world
K.A McKercher joins Mary Freer in conversation about co-designing our work with others in the hope that we might build kinder, more caring and just worlds.
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S3, E3
Creating Spaces for Listening
Kate Bowles is narrative researcher and patient advocate and teaches at the University of Wollongong. Kate writes online at musicfordeckchairs.com.
Brigid Russell is a coach and facilitator who works alongside people in the public and third sectors across Scotland. She believes in a relational approach to coaching and development. You can dive into #spacesforlistening on X (what was Twitter).
Kate and Brigid will present on the second day of the Compassion Revolution Conf on the 25th October.
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S3, E2
Post-Traumatic Growth
Selma Quist Møller is a pyschologist and researcher specialising in post-traumatic growth. Ahead of her visit to Australia, Selma talks with Mary about how times of crisis and trauma can provide windows for transformation.
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S3, E1
Grief at Work
In this episode Mary joins her guests Sally Douglas and Imogen Carn, Founders of the Good Mourning Podcast to talk about the experience of grief and some of the ways we can create a compassionate work place.
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S2, E4
In this episode Mary introduces us to the practice SUMA – Showing Up, Understanding, Moving Closer and Acting.
Oh and a little heart tap at the end.
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S2, E3
Showing Up
Until we show up the play can’t start. We are an important character in the narrative arc of this story of our own life. Until we show up we can’t make anything worthwhile happen.
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S2, E2
Ripe for Redesign
We’re living in a moment that is so ready for our attention. Now is a time to line our values up to support our roles so we can make recovery possible.
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S2, E1
Keep Going
In this episode, Mary gets a bit excited about her new book and reminds us just how much she loves a constraint.
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Episode 53
Doing The Work Part Two
This is part two in the series Doing The Work. This week Mary introduces us to some of the Black writers and teachers she is learning from. This episode is an invitation to white identified listeners to come along and do the work of compassion.
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Episode 52
Doing The Work Part One
This week Mary declares her white privilege and talks about how she is committing to dismantle it as a daily effort. This podcast is an invitation to white identified listeners to come along on the journey of doing the work of compassion.
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Episode 51
Begin Again
Every day, every hour, every breath we get a chance to begin again. Fresh start.
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Episode 50
50 Shades of Grateful
This week Mary celebrates fifty episodes of the Compassion Revolution podcast and offers up 50 things she has come to be grateful for during this global pandemic, including hand sanitiser.
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Episode 49
Hello to all the things
Maybe we could sit still for a moment today and say hello to all the changing, rumbling, expansive and contracting things that coronavirus has brought into our lives?
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Episode 48
This is not a sprint
This week we go on a hike, instead of sprinting our way through this pandemic we take very deliberate steps with our eyes wide open.
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Episode 47
What’s Love Got To Do With It
This is our once in a lifetime opportunity to really shape the future. What do we want a post-corona world to look like? Let’s talk about the politics of love.
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Episode 46
Rise Up Revolutionaries
This week Mary goes deep in the blanket fortress to tell us all everything our hearts need to hear to get us through the next 6 months.
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Episode 45
Renè and Georgette
Making friends is an essential part of life and there are just so many people and animals and plants and landscapes and seascapes to be friends with.
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Episode 44
Do Nothing
Mary is reading all about how to do nothing in the attention economy. This week she reminds us that we are human beings not human doings.
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Episode 43
When All The Blocks Fall Down
This episode is all about how we maintain our composure when things get bumpy.
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Episode 42
Sometimes there is pain
Pain visits everyone. Sometimes she stays for a whole lot longer than we would like. How can we keep loving ourselves through all the pain?
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Episode 41
My House is On Fire
In the midst of a climate emergency, when so much of Australia has been burnt Mary encourages us to take up hope, A hope that is like an axe to break down a door.
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Episode 40
This week Mary revisits an episode all about Values. Might be a great time of year to re-think our values.
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Episode 39
Compassion is generative
This week we revisit an earlier podcast where we are reminded of the ripple effect that kindness and compassion really have.
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Episode 38
Showing Up
Mary revisits an earlier episode where we are encouraged to show up for ourselves as much as anyone else.
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Episode 37
Self Compassion
Directing compassion towards ourselves isn’t easy and there are many obstacles. But this week we all need an extra dose. Enjoy!
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Episode 36
Loving Kindness
It’s a proven fact that practising this little meditation every day for 2 weeks will change your brain. Go on, you know you want to.
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Episode 35
Can we Teach Compassion?
The answer to this question is ‘Yes!’ and this week Mary looks at the evidence.
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Episode 34
Tips for This Time of Year
Around about now everything speeds up and people with a cart load of groceries appear in the ten items or less aisle. This week we practice finding our calm.
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Episode 33
Empathy or compassion
Do you ever feel like you have so much empathy you could burst? Let’s turn some of that empathy into compassion.
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Episode 32
Mind full or mindful
It seems that people are thinking a lot about mindfulness at the moment. But are we all talking about the same thing?
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Episode 31
Come in from the cold
Mary reflects on self compassion how we might include ourselves in the frame a little more. We get so very good at leaving ourselves out in the cold.
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Episode 30
Thirty things I wish I knew 30 years ago
Time flys when you’re a podcast! This week we celebrate our 30th Episode with a little dose of wisdom, Mary style.
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Episode 29
The body is not an apology
What if we practised a new kind of radical self love? Let’s give that a try.
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Episode 28
It’s me and I’m alive
The joy of being alive! This week we come home to ourselves.
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Episode 27
Recharge OR Endure
There’s a lot said about resilience, most of it wrong. To go the distance we need to recharge not endure. Mary shares a few of her own life-hacks.
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Episode 26
Love and Kindness
Loving Kindness Meditation is Mary’s go-to meditation at airports and shopping centres. Find out how you can send love while you’re doing the shopping.
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Episode 25
Being Me
What’s it like to be you? Mary asks the next question: what’s it like to be on the receiving end of you?
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Episode 24
Clearing Snow
How do we manage Advantage Blindness, even when we are setting out to clear snow. Nothing is only as we experience it.
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Episode 23
Is it love we need?
Everyday in so many ways we create these little temples to love. Mary keeps seeing them everywhere.
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Episode 22
Post Conference Euphoria
The first Compassion Revolution Conference was last week and Mary is still on cloud 9. In this podcast she listens again to the amazing closing ceremony. Have you heard it ?
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Episode 21
Meet My Friends
This week on the podcast we think about the real purpose of friendship and how we can be a generous and reliable friend to ourselves and others.
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Episode 20
Understanding our values is powerful stuff. This week Mary bans the merch and encourages us all to own our values.
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Episode 19
So grateful my brain is changing
This week on the podcast we discover that being grateful actually changes the molecular structure of our brains. Thanks for that!
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Episode 18
The Joy of it All
Serendipity takes over and Mary revisits the idea that joy is the labor by which we make the life we want to live possible. It’s like chopping wood and carrying water.
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Episode 17
As John Powell of the HAAS Institute says “Of all the forces shaping politics and power around the world, perhaps none are more important than our sense of who we are, and who we are becoming.” This week we look at Bridging and Breaking.
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Episode 16
My friends us the term #realtruth to describe the things we need to say to people that sometimes feel really uncomfortable. Or the things we want to say about ourselves that take extra courage. This week it’s #realtalk
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Episode 15
Do you ever feel disheartened? This week Mary remembers that change doesn’t happen like a shot out of a pistol. It happens in all these amazing incremental moments. People lay the ground work and often they don’t see the fruit of their work or they don’t recognise that their work was instrumental.
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Episode 14
Relentless Optimism
Mary got challenged about her positivity and that got her thinking about how we make choices.
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Episode 13
Being Brave
Courage calls to courage everywhere!
This episode we look at the suffragists and the resistance workers all in the name of finding our brave. Oh, and Mary goes to Berlin and buys her foot an ice cream.
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Episode 12
Let’s get this revolution started
This week Mary shares her vision to activate a revolution and tells us what happens when you stop dreaming and start doing (cue: roll up sleeves).
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Episode 11
Just as surely as we have loved we will grieve. And when it comes into your life it’s like a tsunami isn’t it? This week we look at how we can be our most helpful when others are grieving.
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Episode 10
Lots of research has shown us really clearly that loneliness can have lots of negative health effects. Loneliness is one of the largest health concerns we face. But what to do?
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Episode 9
Thank You!
Did you know that gratitude boosts self-worth and self-efficacy? People feel happier and more trusting when we express our gratitude to them. Let’s go Good Finding.
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Episode 8
Self Compassion
What would it be like if we treated ourselves with as much care and respect and love as we would our dearest friends?
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Episode 7
Rudeness is killing us
When we work in an environment characterised by rudeness we actually miss information that is right in front of us. Let’s stamp out rudeness and spread that kindness around.
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Episode 6
Leading and Flourishing
This week Mary gets into how we can enact a wholehearted rebellion just by ‘showing up’ as our true selves in a world that is obsessed with efficiency and rife with burn-out. How we can be compassionate and authentic leaders.
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Episode 5
Compassion Transforms Us
Have you been elevated lately? Compassion is contagious and once we start to see good things happen we want to do more of them. We all want to be just like Jacinda Ardern right now.
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Episode 4
Moving From Care-Less to Care
This week Mary wonders if we are moving from one epoch to another and invites us to change the world (no biggie).
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Episode 3
Showing Up
This week we walk the Connected Hearts labyrinth and wonder about the four steps to compassion.
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Episode 2
Just Like Me
Mary goes to the Ben Quilty exhibition and starts to think about how everyone is learning about life, just like the rest of us.
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Episode 1
Words That Shimmer
In this episode we meet words that we can carry with us that will help to create a world that is more compassionate, kind and courageous.
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