Collaboratives are like a Community of Practice but with an engine! We build on what we know and bring together an action-based group to grow compassion at scale.
Why a Compassion Collaborative?
You’ve held Compassion Labs across your organisation and now you want to really embed a culture of care and compassion. You want to support your people to proactively build a strong positive culture that is focused on your organisational values.
You’re ready to build a Compassion Collaborative!
Who is it for?
Collaboratives are the next step after Compassion Labs and are action-based groups filled with people experimenting with ideas to grow compassion at scale. All sorts of interesting things start with a collaborative. The important thing is we’re looking for people who will stay the distance and are ready for this incredible opportunity to work alongside our team.
How many people make up a Collaborative?
Between 15—25 people make up a Collaborative. You can bring people from across your organisation or across your discipline. You can gather people across any community that you believe will benefit from working together to drive compassion in action.
How do we gather, how often and for how long?
A Collaborative is an online, facilitated environment that brings people together to support compassionate cultures and practices at work. We meet once a month for 90 minutes for 12 months.
We bring the platform, the technology, a connection to a global compassion network and a creatively facilitated monthly meet-up.
What’s learned
Each Collaborative is different but the practice of compassion in action is at the heart of all we do.
We’ve gathered and supported Collaboratives across a jurisdiction and we’ve also built them across a single service. Right now we’re building Collaboratives for nurses, midwives and healthcare administrators.
All Collaboratives have these features in common:
- people who have a strong interest in building better culture
- the support of a sponsor organisation or group
- participants who are willing to turn ideas into action
- a commitment to meet each month for 90 minutes
- creative facilitation.
Compassion Revolution is part of a global network of incredible humans. We’ve had authors, speakers, meditation practitioners and artists visit our collaboratives to inspire us to go further and create what is needed. Guest speakers are invited throughout the year to bring knowledge and ideas to the group.
Every collaborative is different. We’ll help you start out strong with a clear purpose.
Support resources
Every Collaborative is different. Sometimes the participants ask for some input on a particular aspect of compassionate practice. Your Collaborative might decide that hearing from someone who understands how to set very clear boundaries and develop a practice of self care is the first priority. Or the team might want to focus on principles of large scale change or post traumatic growth. We’ll think with you about who might be the best person to help the team.
Every Collaborative has unique goals.
We’ve helped people build new approaches in their organisations. We’ve worked with collaboratives to build an App; start an outreach; debrief through difficult times and energise a workforce. We’ll help your Collaborative start out strong with a clear purpose.
Keen to talk more?
We’d love to introduce ourselves and talk practicalities.
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